

Numerology: A Short Introduction

Numerology: A Short Introduction

Numerology: A Short Introduction - For thousands of years – dating back to humans’ early, primitive lives – people have looked for differing signs to understand and comprehend the world beyond the physical. Some have sought signs in religion. Others have sought daily...

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Masonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad

Masonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad

Masonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad - The above was painted by Anton Wilhelm Tischbein (1730-1804) in 1783. The scene depicts the grounds of the spa – the ruined castle, the kitchen and the carousel in the background. In the foreground (right) is the hereditary prince...

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What You Didn’t Know About Scientology

What You Didn’t Know About Scientology - There has been a revival of interest in Scientology recently, largely driven by the ministrations of Hollywood jackanapes Tom Cruise. An episode of South Park titled ‘Trapped in the Closet’ aired in late 2005. The cartoon...

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