

Real Ghost Story: Vanishing Rings

Real Ghost Story: Vanishing Rings

Real Ghost Story: Vanishing Rings - So, we (me and my fiance) moved into this flat back in 2010. It's a simple, 1 bedroom flat with a kitchen-lounge, bathroom and box room that we keep our birds in. We are in the upstairs flat and there is a neighbor downstairs who is...

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True Creature Story: Direwolf

True Creature Story: Direwolf

True Creature Story: Direwolf - For those of you who do not not know what a dire wolf is they are wolfs that grow the size of rhinos. See 'Game of Thrones' and find out. This thing happened to my father when he was doing his military service(mandatory at that time in...

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Real Ghost Story: My Life Of Hell

Real Ghost Story: My Life Of Hell

Real Ghost Story: My Life Of Hell - My story began at the age of 12. I was lying in my bed and had fallen asleep. I remember waking up, or assuming I was awake, to the smell of something like a burning camp fire. In front of me was an 8 1/2 foot tall static figure....

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Real Ghost Story: Panchami

Real Ghost Story: Panchami

Real Ghost Story: Panchami - I am back with another one of my strange experiences -- this one occurred around 2-3 months ago. I had been having a lot of dreams where I would be hunted by people or sometimes by other things and one of those dreams led to this strange...

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