

The Way Of The Druid

The Way Of The Druid

The Way Of The Druid - In ancient times a Druid was a philosopher, teacher, counsellor and magician, concerned with the natural world and its powers. Trees to the Druids were considered sacred, especially the oak. The origin of the word ‘Druid’’ comes from ‘doire’, an...

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The Witch People

The Witch People

The Witch People - Over the past several months, my colleagues and I have been observing references and images of 'owls' while researching cases. I briefly mentioned this on the blog previously. But for me, in particular, these sightings have continued. I was told by...

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Witchcraft: Wicca Religion

Witchcraft: Wicca Religion

Witchcraft: Wicca Religion - The Wicca religion, also known as “The Craft” or “The Old Religion,” is a neo-pagan, earth-centered religion that has its modern origins in the teaching and practice of the original English Wiccan, Gerald Gardner (1884-1964). While...

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