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Are we all suffering from ‘ethical amnesia’ ?
Are we all suffering from 'ethical amnesia' ? - To reconcile our moral values and cheating ways, our minds actively muddle memories. Proud and happy moments in our lives become cherished memories, kept in relatively crisp condition in our noggins for the occasional...
They’re Back! More Encounters With Black Eyed Kids
They’re Back! More Encounters With Black Eyed Kids - We recently published a report about the mysterious black eyed children sightings around the world by numerous witnesses, including an accomplished journalist. New stories about encounters with these supernatural...
Former Presidents Warn About the Invisible Government Running the United States
Former Presidents Warn About the Invisible Government Running the United States - Past presidents of the United States and other high profile political leaders have repeatedly issued warnings over the last 214 years that the U.S. government is under the control of an...
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Name Roster of the Secret Establishment
Name Roster of the Secret Establishment -There were so many "Yalies" in the OSS that Yale’s drinking tune, the "Whiffenpoof Song", became an "unofficial" song of the OSS. Many in the OSS were "Bonesmen" or belonged to the other Yale senior societies. Robert Lovett...
Networks of Power
Networks of Power - In his book "America’s Secret Establishment," Antony C. Sutton outlined the Order of Skull and Bones’ ability to establish vertical and horizontal "chains of influence" that ensured the continuity of their conspiratorial schemes. The...
Secrets of the “Tomb”
Secrets of the "Tomb" - The Order flourished from the very beginning in spite of occasional squalls of controversy. There was dissension from some professors, who didn’t like its secrecy and exclusiveness. And there was backlash from students, showing concern about...
The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones
The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones - The story begins at Yale, where three threads of American social history -- espionage, drug smuggling and secret societies -- intertwine into one. Elihu Yale was born near Boston, educated in London, and served with the...
Freemasonry And The Illuminati
Freemasonry And The Illuminati - The Illuminati, “Popular history texts and encyclopedias generally paint the Illuminati as having its origins in 1776 Bavaria. However, the origins go back much further. The Illuminati are tied directly through masonry to the sun and...
Leviathan – Famous philosophical work
Leviathan - Famous philosophical work - For centuries, the Illuminati have used a single image to represent everything to which they are opposed. It is the illustration by Abraham Bosse and Thomas Hobbes that appears on the frontispiece of Hobbes’ famous philosophical...
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